Exam on Inclusive Education passed: reflections

All third year students who chose Special Education as their major passed their exam in Inclusive education. Besides lectures and practical classes this year was packed with various education events and activities:

  • Student mini conference TREADING INCLUSIVE SPACES 2.0 with workshop constituent on curriculum and text-book developed by the participants of the project «Without Borders: Sustaining and Developing Inclusive Education Community» (November 01, 2019)
  • Regional Workshop on inclusive education Inclusive Practices: Ukraine-US Cooperation with presentations by U.S. experts:

Joy Lee Fredrickson All Students Means ALL Students

Stephanie Fitzgerald A Look at Transition in the United States

Clay Keller Creating Positive Environments to Support All Students


Oksana Selepiy, Tetyana Daniv Doll Therapy in Inclusive Education

Natalia Nykorak. Shadow Play (Theatre ) in Inclusive Education

Kateryna Gotsulyak, Tetyana Stambulska Paint therapy,

Olha Sorokalita, Lidia Sydoriv Storytelling

Hanna Maksymchuk Art therapy for children with SEN

  • International conference “Sustaining Inclusive Education Community: Ukraine-U.S. cooperation” (November 23, 2019) hosted in partnership with by ADA Anniversary Inclusive Education fellows & mentors and America House Kyiv, supported by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
  • Treading Inclusive Spaces 3.0: A two-day seminar in Ivano-Frankivsk College, Precarpathian national university with workshops on Co-teaching, Storytelling and Art techniques
  • Participation in Stage 4 of practical discussions on the synergy of special and inclusive education in Vyhoda Special School of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council
  • Antivirus online conference TREADING INCLUSIVE SPACES 4.0: Ukraine-U.S. cooperation (March 19-24, 2020)
  • Creation of online resources in storytelling and didactic games for distance learning inclusion

Many of the events were organized or supported by Without borders: sustaining and supporting inclusive education learning community project and the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.